Sales Contract Template | Awesome Sign

Sales Contract Template

A sales contract specifies the conditions of a deal between the buyer and the seller. They provide details on payments, products, and other things. A sales contract is a written agreement that specifies the terms and conditions under which items are sold between a seller and a buyer.

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Sales Contract

A sales contract is a legally binding document that is singed between a buyer and a seller. A sales contract includes all the details about the exchange, terms and conditions of the sale, service and product descriptions and any other thing that either of the party wants to include in the document.

In a sales contract, the seller agrees to sell something to the buyer for a specific price that is accepted by both parties. A sales contract is necessary to have whether it is a big transaction or a small. Before signing a sales contract one important thing to remember is that you should seek advice from a lawyer and discuss the terms and conditions of the contract with them so they can guide you and help you in avoiding any troubles in the future.

The bets sales contracts are simple and precise and both parties understand everything and there isn’t anything too restrictive or complicated written in the agreement. Most important part of singing a sales contract is that both parties should have a mutual understanding about everything, and they should be on the same page about all the terms and conditions.

A written sales contract is better than a verbal contract because once all the terms and conditions are written they cannot be changed or avoided but with a verbal contract, it is hard to remember what was said at the time of the agreement and either of the party can change what they said and there won’t be any proof of the previously settled terms.

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Things to include in a Sales contract:

When drafting a sales contract following are the things that should be included in the agreement:

  • Details of both parties:

    Names, emails, and contact information of both parties should be written down at the top of the sales contract in order to make things easier for future contact between the two parties. If there are more than two parties involved in the contract, then their information should also be included in the contract. If there is a lawyer present as well at the time of contract singing, then their details should also be written in the contract.

  • Description of the sale:

    All the details of the product that is getting sold should be written in the sales contract. It is an important part of the contract, and it helps in avoiding any problems in the future. This part explains everything about the good or services that is getting sold to the buyer.

  • Payment Policies:

    This is simply the most important part of a sales contract. This part basically includes all the details of the payment policies between the seller and the buyer. If the payment is being made all at the same time or if it is being made in advance or in installments, it should be included in this part of the contract. In case of any complications with the sale, there should also be a refund policy mentioned in the contract to be on the safe side.

  • Breach of contract:

    A part mentioning in detail the consequence of breaching the contract is important to include in the sales contract. A clause like this will remind both parties what will happen if either of them tried to go against the terms and conditions of the contract.

  • Confidentiality:

    As a seller, a buyer trusts you with their personal information and expect from you that you will respect their privacy. A clause related to confidentiality in the contract will assure the buyer that their information is safe with you.

    If the transaction contains sensitive or confidential information, it is better to include the confidentiality clause in the contract as it will help protect both parties and their interests.

  • Inspection period:

    This clause is not usually included in a sales contract but by including this, it will allow your buyer to inspect the product before buying it and they will end up trusting the seller more and in case they don’t find anything satisfying they can talk about it to the seller and because it is written in contract, it can be solved without any complications.

When should you use a sales contract?

A sales contract is usually used during large business transaction between two or more parties. A sales contract is used to make sure that the transaction goes smoothly between the buyer and the seller. Each country has set a specific amount and if the transaction amount is more than the specific amount it is necessary to use a sales contract. However, if the sale is detailed and it includes long term payments and delivery of goods and services then it is better to use a sale contract in order to avoid any problems in the future. A sale contract will help in protecting the buyer and the seller.

Benefits of having a sales contract

First and foremost, signing a sales contract will help in protecting the interest of both parties. When both parties have settled on the terms and conditions of the contract it will allow the transaction to go smoothly and will leave the door for more transactions in the future. In case anything goes wrong and there is a breach in the contract from either side, it can be taken to the court and the problem can be solved easily because all the conditions are mentioned in the contract.

A sales contract between buyer and seller will bring transparency between the two parties. Having a sales contract will also make sure both parties are clear about the expectations from both sides, and they will do their best to do what is expected from them. A contract is enforceable by law so it will help both parties by protecting them from any complications or fraud.

In simple words, a sales contract will make sure that the transaction goes in a way that both parties are satisfied, and it is accepted by both sides. A sales contract provides legal protection to the buyer and seller if one of the parties fail to deliver what they promised when they promised it.

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Sales Contract

This Sales Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into _______________________ (the “Effective Date”), by and between __________________________, with the mailing address of __________________________________ (the “Seller”) and ___________________, with the mailing address of ___________________________________, (the “Customer”), also individually referred to as “Party”, and collectively “the Parties.”


Following is a list of the items (hence referred to as the "Goods") that the Seller is selling to the Customer.

Goods Price Per Unit Quantity Total Price
    5                                                        .


  • Delivery Location: _________________________
  • Delivery date: _____________________________
  • The Seller shall choose the shipment method, but the Customer shall only be liable for shipping charges up to _________________________.


  • The Seller hereby consents to selling the Customer the Goods for the sum of ____________________.
  • At the time of delivery, the Seller will give the Customer an invoice.
  • All invoices must be paid in full within thirty (30) days at the very least.
  • A five percent (5%) late payment penalty will be applied to any sums that are not paid in full within thirty (30) days.


  • Upon delivery, the customer has the right to inspect the goods.
  • The customer must reject the goods at the time of delivery or within five (5) business days of the delivery date if they are unacceptably defective for any reason.
  • The customer has forfeited any right to reject that specific delivery of goods if they are not rejected within five (5) business days after the date of delivery.
  • If the client returns the goods, they must give the seller a reasonable amount of time to fix the problem.
  • In addition to the Seller and the customer, industry standards for the specific Goods shall be used to define a fair time frame.

Delay of Goods:

  • Any delay, non-delivery, or breach of this Agreement by the Seller caused by labor conflicts, transportation delays, shortages of raw materials used to make the Goods, fires, accidents, acts of God, or other circumstances beyond the Seller's control will not subject the Seller to liability to the Customer.
  • When the seller realizes that it won't be able to deliver the goods as promised, it must notify the consumer right away. With such notice, either Party may end this agreement.


  • The Parties acknowledge and concur that the Goods are delivered "as is" except as otherwise specifically stipulated in this Agreement.
  • Each party expressly disclaims any other warranties, whether written or oral, express or implied, including any warranty of quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular use or purpose or any warranty as to the validity of any patents or the non-infringement thereof, except for the express warranties set forth herein. Neither party makes any representations or grants any warranties, express or implied, either in fact or by operation of law, by statute, or otherwise.


The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement may be amended only in a document signed by both of the Parties hereto. Any modifications made by the Parties shall therefore be incorporated into this Agreement.

Governing Law:

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of __________________________________________.


Should any provision of this Agreement be determined to be invalid and unenforceable by a court with appropriate jurisdiction, the other terms shall nevertheless be enforceable to the extent intended by the Parties.

Entire Agreement:

Concerning the subject matter hereof, this Agreement constitutes the whole agreement and understanding of the Parties hereto and supersedes all earlier express or implicit, oral or written, and other types of agreements, understandings, inducements, and conditions. Any usage of the trade that conflicts with any of the terms herein is superseded and replaced by the express terms hereof.

The Parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth above as demonstrated by their


signatures as follows:



Signed:              ______________________________________________

Name:               ______________________________________________

Date:                 ______________________________________________



Signed:              ______________________________________________

Name:               ______________________________________________

Date:                 ______________________________________________