Coaching Agreement Template | Awesome Sign

Coaching Agreement Template

Get a free simple coaching contract template (Word and PDF), to help you save time and secure more paying clients that respect your coaching services.

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What is a Coaching Agreement?

When someone wishes to hire a coach, they must sign a coaching agreement.

The terms and circumstances of the partnership are established in a coaching agreement, which also spells out each party's responsibilities and obligations with regard to the service.

You may obtain assistance with executive coaching, life coaching, business coaching, and more thanks to the industry's enormous growth.

A strong coaching agreement that you can employ will help you safeguard your legal rights.

A coaching agreement is still legally enforceable, but the structure of the partnership is probably not rigid.

The agreement's tone is therefore very important.

The key is striking a balance between defining the essential legal terms and establishing the relationship's tone.

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What Are the main components of a Coaching Agreement?

If you already have a coaching contract, we'll assume you've addressed the essentials: identifying the parties, outlining your costs and services, summarising your obligations to the client and coach, and outlining your return policy.

(And "No refunds" is, in fact, a thorough and unambiguous refund policy!) The majority of coaching agreements specify that the coach is not liable.

That's because a coach can't really do anything to keep an eye on these circumstances.

Never forget that perfection is not required. It simply has to function.

Your contract can be reviewed and improved in a variety of ways.

You should actually prepare to evaluate your contract each time you take on a new client or begin a new coaching session. Second, while giving both parties security and the trainer the essential protection, it effectively reduces the trainer's obligations.

What, however, could be absent from your business, health, or life coaching contract that is necessary to safeguard you, your company, and your clients? As was previously stated, in order for these coaching sessions to be successful, the coach must ensure that the client feels at ease and completely honest throughout the session.

Making sure that this agreement is covered from the beginning will help to assure success by ensuring that both parties are aware of their roles in the process and the expectations imposed.

Why invest in a coaching agreement?

Better probability of achieving goals: According to adult learning principles, people need to feel that they have some degree of control over their learning and development in order to be devoted to it.

Together with developing a strategy demonstrates the coacher’s intellectual and emotional commitment as well as their propensity to follow through.

Contracting results in fewer disagreements and a more cordial working relationship, which lowers the likelihood of conflict.

You can understand why someone could act differently from how you would if you are aware of how they think, what they value, and what they despise.

As a result, the likelihood of frustration developing is substantially lower.

Working together effectively creates a deep understanding of one another, which fosters stronger, more enduring connections.

A coacher must have complete faith that the coach will treat the information they share with empathy, compassion, and respect in addition to keeping it confidential.

Contracting enables the development of this trust prior to the start of coaching.

What the coaching contract must cover?

Introduce yourself

A strong introduction prepares the ground for the agreement's remaining components.

It goes over the purpose of the engagement, the parameters of the partnership, and a brief history of the coaching program.

Setting expectations for both parties and avoiding misunderstandings, later on, are both facilitated by being clear about the scope.

However, you should refrain from setting expectations in absolutes if you want to keep the connection flexible.


We all value our time, thus respecting one another's time will foster positive working relationships.

Specify how often, for how long, and by when you hope to have reached your goal.

An Explanatory Section

A life coach can help you achieve tremendous success and make significant changes in your life.

A coach may even be able to provide numerous examples of breakthroughs and accomplishments from their own experiences.

It is important to stress, nevertheless, that you do not own a magic wand and will not be performing any miracles.

It's simple for your clients to have incorrect perceptions of what your services comprise.

Additionally, it's critical to set boundaries for the services you will offer while you're at it.

Even though a coaching relationship is frequently intimate, it's crucial to be upfront about things like the fact that you are not a psychologist or a healthcare provider.

Even while some coaches, particularly those who worked with business people or entrepreneurs, even tout the financial successes of some of their former clients, a coaching agreement should contain an earnings disclaimer.


What is the most effective technique for the coach to give feedback? What risky consequences might there be? Discussing the coacher’s ability to give feedback to the coach and whether or not there will be occasions to do so along the process may also be helpful.

Refund Procedure

If, when, and how returns are received should all be covered in this section.

You will be shielded from requests for refunds after contributing.

Additionally, having a robust refund policy helps shield you from customers who miss their appointments or try to reschedule them too late.

What Information Must Be Shared

State at the outset what Information Must Be Shared. This has two sides. Define what should not be disclosed as well.

In this manner, unpleasant shocks are avoided, and neither partner unintentionally conceals information that may be essential to the coaching relationship.

Client Obligation

Clients must understand that coaches create plans to support their achievement and that, in the end, they are ultimately in charge of their own success.

This paragraph informs the client—who concurs—that the outcomes depend on their efforts.

Additionally, this part will encourage your consumer to act in the future. Clients are likely more enthusiastic and positive when they enter the program since they are completely aware of their duty from the beginning.

Termination Provision

Coaches need to be aware that they are working with people and that not all partnerships end happily.

You might need to end the coaching connection for reasons other than reaching the end date or being physically unable to do so.

Include them in the contract so you can quickly refer to them if you need to fire a client.

How lengthy is an agreement with a coach?

In business, executive, career, and corporate coaching, where the bottom line is always of utmost concern, shorter engagements of a specific length are typical.

Typically, lengths are 3, 6, or 12 months. rarely is it less than three months.

Terminating a Coaching Agreement Out of Convenience

Retrieve the contract. Your coaching agreement should specify how to end the agreement at your convenience. You typically have to pay the other side money if you end the agreement out of convenience. You can cancel the agreement, though, if you pay the fee.

Go through your files or your filing cabinet to find your copy of the contract. Ask the other party if you can have a copy of the contract if you can't find your own. Simply state that you cannot find your copy and require a replacement.

Read the contract's termination clause. A "termination" clause should be included in the contract. This clause will specify what happens if either party terminates the agreement prior to the expiration date. To understand your responsibilities, you should read this provision.

For instance, if you are the coach, you might be required to give the school a one-time payment to cover the costs of hiring a replacement coach. You have the right to end the agreement after making the payment.

If you are the school, you will likely be required to fulfill the remaining obligations of the contract by continuing to pay the coach's salary and benefits.

Examine your desire to terminate the contract due to default. Additionally, you can attempt to terminate the agreement "for default," which also implies "for the cause."

For instance, the school can assert that the coach broke their agreement. You don't have to pay a coach any money if you fire them for default. Contract termination due to default follows a separate procedure. You must specify the provisions of the agreement the other party breached.

The coach must then receive a letter for breach of contract. Ending a contract due to default typically results in legal action. In light of this, consider if it would be preferable to simply pay the coach the remaining portion of his or her wage.

You could pay the coach's salary for the remaining year of his contract, for instance.

This sum might be less expensive than what it would cost you to defend yourself in court.

You should consult a lawyer if you're unsure whether to terminate the contract for convenience or for default.

What attributes are in a good coaching contract?

What the coacher can anticipate from the coach and vice versa is outlined in a coaching contract. A contract establishes expectations and goals right away.

Contracting is essential to a productive coaching collaboration, whether it takes the form of a written agreement, an hour-long meeting, or a brief conversation.

Valid Reasons to be in Coaching Agreement?

It makes sense to establish upfront what is and is not covered by coaching talks when you are coaching in an organizational environment and the organization is paying you to coach a client.

The most telling instance of this is when a client asks you to assist them in their job search for a position outside of the company that is paying you for coaching but the company hasn't agreed that this is covered under the coaching contract.

The corporation would essentially be investing money for nothing if you did not comprehend this and advised someone on leaving the company.

Starting the contract with a coaching agreement that outlines both the terms and conditions is a great way to prevent it.A coaching agreement clarifies the topic of the session, the client's goals, what's essential to them about the subject, and what the client wants to talk about.

Both the client and the coach can determine which topic to explore when a new issue comes up in the coaching conversation.

They can also determine whether they are still on track and whether the new topic is more essential than the previous one.

A coaching agreement enables the client to make informed decisions regarding the course of the discussion.

A coaching agreement clarifies the topic of the session, the client's goals, what's essential to them about the subject, and what the client wants to talk about.

Both the client and the coach can determine which topic to explore when a new issue comes up in the coaching conversation.

They can also determine whether they are still on track and whether the new topic is more essential than the previous one.

A coaching agreement enables the client to make informed decisions regarding the course of the discussion.

It will be simpler for the client to recognize progress if you assist them to describe how they will know when they have made it.

Clients will swiftly determine whether the experiment they are trying out is effective or not if they keep their attention on the progress they are making.

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Coaching Agreement

This Agreement is made on ____________ between the following parties: _________ and

_____ Name, Address (Client), whereby Coach agrees to offer coaching services to Clients with a focus on the themes, objectives, and goals listed below.

Coaching is a relationship (described as an alliance, not a legally binding commercial partnership) between the coach and the client in a stimulating and creative process that motivates the client to realize their full potential on both a personal and professional level.

It is intended to make it easier to establish or develop personal, professional, or business goals as well as to create and implement a strategy or plan for accomplishing those goals.

      (a)  The coaching relationship, the client's coaching calls, and his or her contacts with the coach are all factors that the client is totally responsible for determining and putting into action for his or her own physical, mental and emotional well-being.

In light of this, the Client acknowledges that the Coach is not and will not be held accountable for any actions or inactions or for any direct or indirect effects of any services rendered by the Coach.

The client is aware that coaching is not therapy and should not be used in place of therapy if necessary.

Additionally, coaching cannot diagnose, treat, or cure any mental illness or physical ailment.
      (b)  Client acknowledges that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association and that it is the Client's sole responsibility to seek out such independent professional guidance.

Additionally, coaching is not to be used as a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, or other professional advice by qualified legal, medical, or other professionals.

It is advised that the client promptly informs the mental health care provider about the nature and scope of the coaching relationship that the client and coach have agreed upon if the client is currently receiving treatment from a mental health professional.
      (c)  The client is aware that in order to improve the coaching relationship, the client must communicate honestly, be receptive to advice and support, and make the necessary time and effort to devote to the program.
      (d) The parties agree to hold meetings via (explain method(s), e.g., in-person, online, or telephone) as part of a _____ month Coaching Program.

In between scheduled appointments as specified by the Coach, the Coach will be reachable to the Client by voicemail and email (describe those terms here).

If the client requests it, the coach may additionally be made available for a further time at a prorated rate of _______ to review paperwork, read or write reports, or perform other client-related tasks outside of coaching hours).

Timetable and Costs

As of ________, this coaching arrangement is still in effect. According to the frequency of meetings—such as the number of meetings per week, month, etc.

—the charge is _____ (amount paid in advance, if applicable) and/or _________ (amount) per month.

The current rates will be used if rates change before this agreement has been signed and dated.


The rules of confidentiality apply to this coaching relationship as well as all information (verbal or written) that the client shares with the coach during the course of this partnership.

Please be aware, nevertheless, that unlike in the medical and legal professions, the connection between a coach and a client is not one that is legally regarded as secret, and as a result, discussions are not shielded by any established legal privilege.

Without the client's express written permission, the Coach promises not to share any information relating to the client.

Without the client's permission, the coach will not use the client as a reference.

Policy on Cancellations

The client acknowledges that it is the Client's duty to give the Coach notice of scheduled calls or meetings __ (number of) hours in advance.

The coach retains the right to charge the client for a canceled appointment.

The coach will make a sincere effort to reschedule the missing appointment.

Limitation of Liability

Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, the Coach disclaims all express and implied representations and warranties of any sort with regard to the coaching services that have been negotiated, agreed upon, and given.

The Coach will never be responsible to the Client for any indirect, special, or consequential damages.

Regardless of whatever losses the Client may suffer, the Coach's total responsibility under this Agreement and the Client's only recourse shall not exceed the fees the Client has actually paid to the Coach under this Agreement for all coaching services provided up to and including the termination date.

Whole Agreement

The parties' whole understanding of the subject matter is reflected in this document, which also serves as a complete representation of their agreement.

All previous written and oral representations are superseded by this Agreement.

Except in writing and with the signatures of both the Coach and the Client, the Agreement may not be modified, revised, or augmented.

Resolution of Conflict

The Client and Coach agree to try to mediate in good faith for up to (a specified period of time, such as 30 days) after notice is provided if a dispute arises out of this Agreement that cannot be resolved by mutual consent.

The successful party is entitled to recover attorney's fees and court expenses from the losing party in the event that the disagreement is not thus resolved and legal action is taken.


The remaining elements of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable even if one or more of them are found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason.

Any section of this Agreement that the Court finds to be invalid or unenforceable but that, if limited, would be

made legal and enforceable shall be taken to have been written, interpreted, and enforced as so limited.


The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.

Binding Effect

The parties hereto, as well as each of their respective successors and permitted assigns,shall be bound by this Agreement.



__________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Coach/ for _______ (company name)

__________________________________ Date: _________________________________